How to Install GIMP Image Editor in Ubuntu 10.04

GIMP is a powerful image editor application specially used for creating images and editing photographs.It is an open source and free software provided by GNU ,and good substitute for another popular Image editing software Adobe Photoshop.GIMP is a crossplatform application i.e it is available for all major operating systems like Linux based OS(Ubuntu,Fedora..) and Windows.Additional …

How to Install MySQL in Ubuntu 10.04

Database management system is necessary every where whether it’s a web application or other business purpose software;in ubuntu 10.04 you may like to use MySQL,the fastest database management system for web applications. MySQL is one of the most widely used database management system and it is light,free and open source so it is also in …

How to Install Ubuntu Control Center in Ubuntu 10.04

Ubuntu Control Center is developed(Inspiration is inherited from Mandriva Control Center) specially for new users or those who are coming from windows XP vista or 7 because it’s purpose is to control the system applications and programs centrally like Windows Control Panel.Since Ubuntu 10.04(Or its older versions) is primarily focused on desktop experience,that’s why the …