change priority in ubuntu

You know Ubuntu is one of the most famous linux-distro with good community support and users but some times you may feel that my system is not so fast as expected.Although expectations are always little greedy but you can fix this problem up to some extent by following some simple steps described below.

Priority Settings

By priority settings I mean the priority of the application programs.So you can set desired priority for your desired programs that you use more frequently.Steps to change the priority setting in ubuntu 10.04 –

step1.To change the settings first open system monitor(Administrator -> system monitor).

step2.Then click on processes.

step3.Now right click on the application you want to change the priority settings.Select change priority.

step4.Now you can adjust the priority setting.Keep in mind that the lower the value the higher will be its priority.Its value ranges fr0m -20 to +20.Set the value as you like.

step5. After adjusting the settings it will asked for user password.Enter the password.That’s all.

START UP Application Control

This is an effective method to decrease not only startup time but also to speed up the system.To control additional start up program simply follow these steps :
step1: Go to system -> preferences -> startup applications.

step2: Now check or uncheck the box depending on the need i.e uncheck all the applications that you think is not necessary.

step3: That’s all.close the window.You will see the effect when you will reboot your computer.

Removing unwanted Application Programs

It is always recommended to remove i.e uninstall the softwares that you are not using currently or not likely to use in future(some days).To remove a package or software just go to software center and click remove or go to synaptic package manager and mark the softwares for removal.Then apply the changes,the selected softwares will be removed.(You may choose complete or partial removal according to the dependencies)

Increase RAM

You know RAM is the primary memory of your computer in which is required by all the applications.Hence increasing RAM(1GB-or more) is always recommended for enhanced performence.

Choosing right Desktop

Some times you may think that KDE desktop environment is too slow.In fact it is,GNOME is little faster than the KDE.But you want more faster experience,Okay then try XFCE.You can use xfce in same installation.Go to synaptic manager and search for xfce.After completing the installing process restart the computer.Now at login screen select xfce instead of the default desktop GNOME.Enter your usename and password as usual.That’s all…enjoy xfce.

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  1. When I am looking for speed I either use xterm or icewm. xterm is a bit difficult, but it lets me run only the programs I want to run.

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