Any hosting servers are considered as best if it provides all the features properly as described in the package/plan like site Uptime(The Time period in which your website/blog is available online),customer support,advanced features,web security,..and so many things.
In the past few years the number of hosting sites have increased exponentially and now it’s really not a simple task to find a reliable hosting services.The competition in the web hosting market has also increased and that’s why the web hosting is now ..very cheap. For Example : If you will host your blog/website on Dreamhost then you will get Everything(Bandwidth+Space+Databases+..) Unlimited along with a FREE domain registration!! Although, wordpress doesn’t have any special requirements or constraints ..but it’s better if you see the details below about the normal specification related to wordpress –
wordpress specification and requirements
If you are planning to install wordpress blogging software(as content management system(cms)) then first you must confirm whether the hosting server you are going to use,satisfies the following requirements(Basic and Recommended) –
- Apache Web Server is highly recommended but if any other server satisfies other requirements(given below) then it also it’s acceptable.
- PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor, a server side scripting language) version 4.3 OR greater is installed.
- MySQL(A fast and Robust database management system) version 4.1.2 or greater is installed.
- The mod_rewrite Apache Module
DREAMHOST : The Recommended Shared Hosting for wordpress
Actually a lot of web hosting servers supports wordpress blogging/cms software and the problem is to find out the best performing web hosting sites.I spend a little time on searching on forums and talked to some wordpress bloggers..finally I came to some conclusion ..which I am going to share with you!!
DreamHost – Best web hosting for wordpress : Really the Dream Web Hosting for wordpress users(specially for Beginners).
Use coupon Code RK1245 to get instant discount of $50
Why Use Dreamhost for wordpress blog/website??
Because in Just $8.95/month you will get – (On Debian Linux Server)
- Free Domain Registration
- Unlimited Disk Storage(TB) +50GB for Backups
- Unlimited Bandwidth(TB)
- Unlimited Domains and SubDomains with custom DNS
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- 100% Up Time Guarantee
- 97 Days Money Back Guarantee
- 24/7 Email Technical support
- Plus a lot of Email/Programming/Advanced Features with Enhanced Web Security
So Buy a wordpress hosting plan on Dreamhost ..NOW!!
Do you want to SAVE $50 …It’s simple ..just enter a coupon code …and save $50 in Dreamhost.See below link for more details.
Update : Due to the frequent downtime in dreamhost VPS, I shifted to Linude VPS. Now, I think that ‘I should Have done very earlier’ and now I won’t have to move anywhere in Future. Linode VPS is Great!
Linode – Recommended VPS for wordpress
Linode VPS provides unmanaged VPS – and it provides FULL Control, so if you’re good at server related things (or willing to learn) then Linode is the BEST option for you.
Linode VPS (strats @ $19.99/month for 512 MB RAM, 20GB space and 200 GB bandwidth)