Xubuntu 12.10 is out! Xubuntu is a Ubuntu based GNU/Linux distribution that focuses on XFCE desktop environment. Xubuntu is a Ubuntu derivative project, just like Kubuntu, Lubuntu etc.
XFCE is lightweight, fast, easy to use and well suitable for those who wants a classic GNOME style desktop environment with traditional layout and minimum fancy stuffs (well, that’s the case with default configuration, you can make it as cooler you want – compiz is there).
Xubuntu 12.10 is based on Ubuntu 12.10, already released today! Xubuntu 12.10 has released with newer version of XFCE Desktop – 4.10, updated docs, artwork, settings manager, new apps (Catfish, Parole etc) and bug fixes etc.
I’ll probably hold off for two weeks. Always seems to be the safest way to upgrade.
and now… how to upgrade xubuntu 12.04 to 12.10? (only xubuntu – without standard ubuntu)
You right… but I just want to update only Xubuntu (ubu + xfce) not ubuntu (ubu + unity & others)