Cool Firefox extensions for web developers!
Tag Archives: mozilla firefox
Firefox or Google Chrome ? What’s your primary browser in Ubuntu 12.04 ? [Poll]
[POLL] – What’s your most favorite (primary) web browser in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or other GNU/Linux distributions!
Firefox 5 for Ubuntu 11.04/10.10
Try Firefox 5.0 on Ubuntu 11.04/10.10..
Firefox 4 for ubuntu 10.10
Firefox 4 has arrived with a lot of changes and improvements …for Ubuntu 10.10 or any other Linux based operating systems or other os
how to install adobe flash player in Mozilla Firefox
Do you know that …Most(probably more than 66%) of the web pages on the Internet have Flash Content.Some have little or some have less flash contents;some of them are totally based on Flash.So if you want to have fun watching videos on YouTube(Although YouTube has planned to use HTML 5,in that case you can enjoy …
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