how to install vlc media player in ubuntu 10.10

VLC Media Player is known as ‘all in one’ video player.It’s free and open source(VLC is available under GNU License) media player developed by VideoLAN Project.The most important point is that VLC player is an cross platform application written in C/’s available for windows,GNU/Linux ,Mac OSX,BeOS and BSD.On Ubuntu 10.10 you can also use default …

how to install adobe flash player in Ubuntu 10.10

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat has just Released and after the completion  of download and installation procedure of Ubuntu 10.10 you must install adobe flash player because most of the web pages on the World Wide Web(www) contains flash content.That’s why A flash player is required and adobe flash player is the ultimate choice.In Ubuntu 10.10 …

how to install adobe flash player in Mozilla Firefox

Do you know that …Most(probably more than 66%) of the web pages on the Internet have Flash Content.Some have little or some have less flash contents;some of them are totally based on Flash.So if you want to have fun watching videos on YouTube(Although YouTube has planned to use HTML 5,in that case you can enjoy …

HTML Quiz Test : Learn HTML with FUN!

Yesterday I found a website which has been created for HTML Quiz Tests.So it’s very useful for beginners because they can learn HTML/CSS/Javascript with a lot of FUN.The website is currently in development phase.Follow The link Given Below :  HTML Quiz Test Important Features : *Everything available there is completely FREE for educational purposes *It …

Educational Search Engine

A new Educational Search Engine by [Technorati code : VKFF6M4V4Z9E] You can find it at The Aim of this Search Engine is to help the students in finding the educational documents,white papers,pdf’s,doc’s,ppt’s much easier way ..without facing any spam results. Benefits of Dedicated Educational Search Engine No Spam! due to manual selection …