This Post – will help you in installing Skype on Ubuntu 10.04.If you are familiar with SHELL then just type a single command to install skype otherwise you can also install it from Synaptic Package Manager or by manually download – then install with Debian Package Installer.
Make Free Video and Audio calls in Ubuntu 10.04 – By Using Skype
Skype is a simple software which enable you to make free calls(Audio,video and conference ) over the Internet by using VoIP protocol.It is available for all platform i.e you can use it from Ubuntu,windows or MacOS.It is very simple to use and graphical interface is also very user friendly with a lot of advanced features.You can also send text message instantly and file transfer is also supported.One more amazing feature is that you can also share your desktop with your friends.At this time skype 2.1 beta version is available for Ubuntu 10.04 so you can install it either by using synaptic package manager or by downloading it from the skype’s website(Link is given below).
Some important features of Skype :
Free Audio calls over internet
Free Video calls over internet
Free Video conference over internet
Low call rates to call for mobile number
Now you can also call to landline numbers with skype credit
Call forwarding and voice mails features are also available
You can also install it after downloading skype from it’s official website.
Download Skype
Installing Skype in Ubuntu 10.04
Install Skype from Synaptic Package Manager
1.Open Package Manager(System-Administration-Synaptic Package Manager).
2.Type skype in the search box ..then mark the box(skype) to install.
3.Click on Apply to begin the downloading and installation process.
4.Wait for few minutes;When the downloading will finish the installation will begin automatically and will finish within few minutes.
5.You are done!!
Install Skype From Command Line – Terminal
Open terminal in Ubuntu 10.04(LTS) from Applications->Accessories->Terminal OR hit CTRL+ALT+T.Then enter the following command to install.There are many ways to install ..If you have download the Deb File already from it’s website then just open the file then open the *deb file with Gdebi package Installer(Either by Double clicking on it or from command line).Another simple way is to run the following command –
ubuntuuser@ubuntuuser-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install skype
[sudo] password for ubuntuuser : //Enter your ubuntu login password
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… ..
Now go to the skype’s official website to register yourself(It’s free).After completing the registration you can use that account details to make calls over the Internet.
Skype Registration