Skeleton – A lightweight CSS framework for your next side project

Skeleton is a lightweight CSS framework that provides a nice boilerplate to kickstart the development process. I like the minimal design approach. Plus, I can easily add more CSS on the top if required. The grid and some basic styles are more than enough to get started.

Simple Responsive grid

Simple, easy and human friendly grid-naming conventions. Just add a div element with class ‘row’ (with child columns) inside a container and you’re good to go (12 column grid – kind of similar to bootstrap and foundation).

Basic styles for Standard elements

Skeleton comes with basic styles for standard HTML elements such as Headings (h1/h2/h3 etc), basic form elements (input, buttons etc), tables and some utility classes (for left/right alignment, clearing floats etc). Here is how a simple ‘sign in’ form with Skeleton.

Lightweight, fast and easy to override

The Skeleton along with Normalize CSS is less than 10KB when minified. So, it’s a great choice for smaller web projects, side projects, mobile websites, landing pages for your mobile apps etc.

You can download the latest version from the official website : (Current version : 2.0.4). Sass and LESS versions are also available to help you add Skeleton in your preferred development setup.

Also check out my last weekend project – Mobile Number Tracker (India) – I created using Skeleton.

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