playing dvd in ubuntu

After installing the Ubuntu 10.04,some extra softwares i.e is not installed by default(Due to license problem) is necessary to install.. like adobe flash player, and library for playing encrypted dvd.

In general all the commercial DVDs use CSS(Content Scramble System),a digital right management(DRM) scheme which uses a proprietary 40 bit stream cypher algorithm.The CSS key sets are licensed by DVD copy control association to manufacturers so that they can incorporate them into their products like DVD movie releases,players and driver softwares.CSS key is nothing but a combine term for all the keys such as authentication keys,disc keys,player keys,title keys etc.

Due to this reason ubuntu can’t ship css library so it is not able to play encrypted DVD by default.
Hence in order to play dvd you have to install the libdvdcss2 or libdvdcss library(A free software library,part of Video Lan project for accessing and unscrambling DVD;encrypted with CSS).In ubuntu 10.04 you have to install libdvdread4 can to install it by either command line or using synaptic manager.

Using Command Line
step1 : Open the terminal(CTRL+ALT+T).

step2 : First, run the command

sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 (It may be installed,if so then move to next step).
step3 : Next, run this command :

sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/
step4 : Now remove the dvd fr0m the tray and insert it again.Now Mplayer will open it automatically(If no then check the options).You can also play with VLC player.
step5 : That’s all…enjoy.I hope you are playing your dvd..if no then you may leave a comment about the problem.

Using Synaptic Package Manager(Recommended for older version)
step1 : Go to System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager.
step2 : search for ubuntu restricted extras.
step3 : check the box for installation.
step4 : Install the restricted packages by clicking on Apply changes.
step5 : Installation will complete and then you would be able to play you dvd well.
step6 : that’s all…

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