How to uninstall/remove programs/softwares/packages on Ubuntu 10.04/10.10/11.04 ..from Synaptic package manager or using command line or Terminal with one simple command.
Category Archives: Tips and Tricks
Top 10 Ubuntu Apps
based on my past- few years of experience with Ubuntu, I’ve prepared a long list of my favorite applications but it’s difficult to select 10 out of them. Anyway, here is my top 10 – best apps , that I use on Ubuntu 10.10…
best Linux Desktop Environment
A number of Linux based operating systems are available with a lot of Desktop Environments. So what is the best Linux desktop environment ? ,well it is not an easy question to answer, but this post might help you in deciding ‘what is best for you?’.
Top 10 Ubuntu Games
Linux based OS like Ubuntu is now becoming the favorite choice for gaming; mostly,due to availability of a large collection of open source and free games.Top 10 Ubuntu Games at a glance..
how to install Mac theme on ubuntu 10.10
Mac OS X theme for Ubuntu 10.10(Maverick Meerkat) i.e macubuntu 10.10 so that Ubuntu will look like Mac.Combining the Appearance of Mac with the performance of Ubuntu 10.10 to make a hybrid operating system…