A Simple PC Builder Site for Indian Users

AssembleYourPC is my side project, I started last year (March 2013) when I couldn’t find any PC builder tool for Indian users. It’s a simple tool and you may find it useful while building a custom rig. The component prices are fetched from various sites (online) but it’s quite closer to the actual market price. Current Status Monthly …

Deploying Sinatra Applications to VPS with Passenger/Nginx [Ubuntu 14.04]

Sinatra is a lightweight web development framework (a.k.a micro framework) written in Ruby. It’s a MVC framework (just like Rails) but more suitable for simple and small web projects or APIs (otherwise, you’d probably end up writing too much code, which could be done more easily in Rails, in case of complex web applications). If …

Start Unicorn on reboot in a Rails application

If you need to run some cron jobs on server, check out the ruby gem whenever. It lets you write cron jobs in ruby way. You can do lots of useful thing using whenever, create database dumps/backups, run scripts/commands on reboot etc. Using whenever to start unicorn on reboot 1. Add whenever to your Gemfile …

Check for open ports using this free tool : Port Checker

Few weeks ago I created a tool : port checker – that checks for open ports. It’s a simple web app built using Sinatra (a lightweight framework in ruby) and Foundation (an advanced front end framework), over a weekend. http://portchecker.co More about this little web app It simply checks for open ports on your computer (useful …

Getting started with Android Studio on Ubuntu/Linux (14.04 LTS)

Android Studio is the new development environment for Android (officially recommended). It’s based on IntelliJ IDEA (Integrated Development Environment from JetBRAINS). You can still use Eclipse IDE though (however, it may not be supported once the Android Studio comes out of beta) but Android Studio brings lots of new features and improvements (Advanced Android code …