best browser for ubuntu 10.10

Ubuntu 10.10(Maverick Meerkat) has Mozilla Firefox installed on it as Default web browser.Firefox is the most popular browser on this planet but it has been loosing its share from the past few months(It may restore the market share after the release of Firefox 4.0) may be due to some reasons like major security bugs,instability,speed etc.

how to install Google earth in ubuntu 10.10

Introduction If you have ever used the Google Earth,the virtual globe/map(3D Planet viewer),online or as a desktop application in windows or Mac then don’t worry!! it’s available for Linux based OS like Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)/10.04(Lucid Lynx),Open Suse…etc.Google earth was originally developed by Keyhole Inc(A software development company,CEO : Johne Hanke),but later Google acquired it(in …

how to install skype on ubuntu 10.10

Ubuntu 10.10 ..(Maverick Meerkat) is one of the popular operating system among desktop users.Although Ubuntu has lot of useful applications that comes by default but still some common applications are not installed.Skype,the popular VoIP software is one of them.You can install skype on Ubuntu either from the Synaptic Package Manager or by opening it with …

how to install clementine media player on Ubuntu

This post is written for beginners about an open source media player clementine.Clementine is developed on the top of Amarok media player.Clementine is an open source media player and it’s available for Linux based OS e.g Ubuntu 10.10(Maverick Meerkat),10.04(Lucid Lynx)..,Windows and Mac OS X.Clementine is a fast music player with nice interface and options to …

how to install amarok in ubuntu 10.10/10.04

Amarok is the best mp3 player for Ubuntu 10.10/10.04/9.10 or any other Linux Based operating systems such as Linux Mint,Fedora,OpenSuse..So this post is aimed to help novice users in installing Amarok on Ubuntu 10.10(Maverick Meerkat) but actually the procedure is almost same for other platforms.Amarok has lot of features like Dynamic Playlists,Context View,scripts,database importing…. with …